Test your knowledge to see how much you know about population change and China’s approaches to population management with this 14-question A level quiz.

If you haven't already done it, work through the case study: ‘What are the implications of China’s changing population?’ to learn more. Or look at it again to help fill in any gaps in your knowledge about demography, development, migration, urbanisation, human processes.

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QUIZZES // What are the implications of China’s changing population?

Q1. Which of the following is the correct definition of the term spatial distribution?

The number of children born per woman in a country or place

The study of population; especially focused on size, composition, spatial distribution and mobility

The arrangement of a particular feature or phenomenon across the geographical space of Earth’s surface

The freedom of a population, phenomenon or thing to move between places

Q2. Which of the following is the most accurate description of the spatial distribution of China’s population?

High levels of population density in the east and south east of the country

High levels of population density in the north and north west of the country

High levels of population density in the north and north east of the country

High levels of population density in the south and south west of the country

Q3. Which of the following are the years when Mao Zedong ruled China?





Q4. Which of the following is the closest estimate of China’s 2021 population?

1.2 billion

1.3 billion

1.4 billion

1.5 billion

Q5. In 1750, what proportion of the world’s population lived in China?





Q6. Which of the following terms correctly describes the population structure of China in 1950?

Ageing population

Densely populated

Youthful society

Demographic dividend

Q7. In 1965 Mao’s government proposed a target for the rate of population growth by the year 2000. What was it?





Q8. What is the correct term for a population management policy focused on reducing birth rates?

Malthusian policy

Natalist policy

Population planning

Anti-natalist policy

Q9. What had China’s Total Fertility Rate fallen to by 1978, in part as a result of the ‘later, longer, fewer’ policies?





Q10. Name the Chinese ruler who launched the One Child Policy.

Mao Zedong

Deng Xiaoping

Xi Jinping

Hu Jintao

Q11. How many urban residents does China now have?

Approximately 748 million

Approximately 328 million

Approximately 555 million

Approximately 800 million

Q12. Approximately how many Chinese citizens were living overseas in 2017?

10 million

1 million



Q13. Which of the following terms is defined as being the difference between numbers of live births and deaths in a particular place over a set period of time?

Population density

Total Fertility Rate


Natural change

Q14. In which region of China has there recently been a policy of encouraging people from the Han Chinese ethnic community to move to live there?

Guangdong province

Jiangsu province

Hebei province

Xinjiang autonomous region


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